
Alocasia Melo

Alocasia Melo characteristics
Needs bright lightBig leavesGood for bathroom


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Know more about Alocasia Melo

Alocasia Melo is an exotic plant native to the Southeast Asian forests, specifically Indonesia, which tends to grow in rocky terrain, unlike other alocasias. This alocasia is considered a small plant because although in nature it can grow up to 23 inches in height, as a houseplant it is not usual, and does not exceed 15 inches approximately.

Alocasia Melo is commonly known as Alocasia Rugosa for its unique foliage. Its leaves are green, large, and thick with a rough texture that makes it look like an artificial plant. Alocasias grow in tropical forests in the shade of higher vegetation, which is why it should not be given direct sunlight.

If you have animals or children, you must take extreme precautions because alocasias are toxic plants when ingested.

Key tips for successful care

  • Use well-draining soil because Alocasia Rugosa grows in rocky terrain.
  • Make sure you have high humidity before having an Alocasia or it will die.
  • You can increase your humidity with a humidifier and grouping plants
  • Bathrooms are good spots for alocasias because of the high humidity
  • Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust.
  • Don't let direct sunlight hit the plant.

Alocasia Melo care guide

Alocasia Rugosa is a plant that should not receive direct sunlight despite having thick leaves. In its natural habitat, direct sunlight is filtered by trees and plants that are taller than it.

Indirect and bright light is the best condition for Alocasia Melo to grow strong and healthy because it is the closest thing to its natural habitat. Avoid low light conditions.

Video tutorials of Alocasia Melo care and tips

The video tutorials might not be about the same exact plant, but a plant of the same family, which have the same requirements.

Video created by kayleeellenofficial about how to take care of a alocasia