
Sansevieria Trifasciata Black Gold

Sansevieria Trifasciata Black Gold characteristics
Thrives in low lightBig leavesGood for bedroomGood for living room


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Know more about Sansevieria Trifasciata Black Gold

Sansevieria Trifasciata Black Gold is an easy plant thanks to its hardiness and low-maintenance that suits everyone. In special, it's a recommended plant for beginners and travelers because it doesn't need much attention.

Sansevieria Back Gold is a drought-tolerant plant, it means it can long without water for a while. In addition, snake plants can tolerate a large range of light intensities from low light (where they will survive but won't grow much) to full sun. Bright indirect light is what suits best to a sansevieria as a houseplant.

Its leaves are green about 1 meter high and are edged in gold. #SnakePlants are good bedroom and office plants because they are air purifiers. Sansevierias improve the quality of the air by removing toxins

Be extra careful if there are pets and children around because sansevierias are toxic if ingested.

Key tips for successful care

  • Place your snake plant in the living room and bedrooms because it removes air toxins.
  • Sansevieria Trifasciata Black Gold is not safe for cats or dogs because is mildly toxic if ingested.
  • If the leaves are drooping it's because you're over-watering it, let it dry for a while and it will recover.
  • It is better to underwatering than overwatering your snake plant.
  • Use a pot that has good drainage, such as a terracotta pot or one made with some porous material.

Sansevieria Trifasciata Black Gold care guide

Sansevieria Black Coral likes bright light, but it tolerates low light conditions even though its growth is slowed. Snake plants are perfect as office plants because they can live with artificial light as well.

Video tutorials of Sansevieria Black Gold care and tips

The video tutorials might not be about the same exact plant, but a plant of the same family, which have the same requirements.

Video created by Summer Rayne Oakes about how to take care of a snake plant
Video created by delaplants about how to take care of a snake plant
Video created by Good Growing about how to take care of a snake plant